LCCI English for Business
Summary of the Course
This qualification is intended for candidates who have achieved a fundamental understanding of English in a business context and who have the ability to use the language in a practical way at avery basic level. The qualification consists of a mandatory reading and writing exam and optionalspeaking and listening exams.
Learning Objectives
The qualification’s aims are toenable candidates to developtheir basic linguistic ability, ina predictable business Englishcontext, in order to:
- Identify basic data, factsand instructions
- Produce basic, formulaictext
- Listen and understand short,basic, and business-relatedEnglish conversations andannouncements
- Understand basic, spokenand recorded businessEnglish
- Participate in shortconversations in routinecontexts
Who Should Attend
- Students with the ambition to complete the program.
- Students interested in a vocational route to help prepare them for the workplace.
- Students who are graduates or employed and looking for the skills to get into thework place.
1 months and a half
Reading and Writing – compulsory
Candidates are assessed by meansof a 90 minute examination papercovering all of the above syllabustopics.
Speaking - optional
Candidates are assessed by an 11minute examination, including 5minutes preparation time. Part 1consists of a warm up conversationduring which the candidate will beasked about, for example, study andwork ambitions for the future. Part 2requires the candidate to participatein a discussion of a topic selected bythe examiner.
Listening - optional
Candidates are assessed viaa listening test lasting about20 minutes and comprising 25short listening tasks. In part 1 (13questions), candidates listen to thesame question three times, with threedifferent answers to that question.They have to choose the correctanswer. In part 2 (12 questions),candidates listen to a shortconversation or announcement. Theythen read a question about whatthey have heard, with four possibleanswers. They have to choose thecorrect answer.