Advanced Sales Management
Sales management ranks amongst the most challenging roles. As competition intensifies, sales managers come under increasing pressure to achieve greater results with shrinking resources. Discover new tools for turning the art of sales management into a reliable science. Help your people motivate themselves. Become a better coach. Learn to adapt your management style for difficult personalities. Get more accurate forecasts. Manage sales campaign risks. Deal effectively with stress. Make meetings more productive. Above all, achieve your sales goals with more ease and certainty.
On the other hand, in today’s work environment having the business knowledge and skills is not enough; employees should also possess other personal skills which are important as much as their managerial skills. They need to enhance their sense of responsibility, be more dependable and reliable, to take initiative, and to possess the right attitude. Hence, this training program is taking a different approach focusing not only on selling skills but building the right attitude for the job.
Programme Objectives
• Be more trustworthy and reliable in meeting all jobs responsibilities.
• Communicate professionally
• Identify the key differences between selling and managing
• Become pro-active in behaviour; including forward thinking and planning
• Sharpen their selling skills
• Manage their accounts in a way that produces more profitable partnerships
• delegate and prioritise
• negotiate rather than sell
• Communicate professionally
• Identify the key differences between selling and managing
• Become pro-active in behaviour; including forward thinking and planning
• Sharpen their selling skills
• Manage their accounts in a way that produces more profitable partnerships
• delegate and prioritise
• negotiate rather than sell
Who Should Attend
All Sales Staff who would like to develop their selling skills
3 Days